look, i know it has been a long time you know,
now, i gotta tell ya something so look at here
first thing first, i don’t know where to start, but i have been wondering about what to say all along although i am bit shy…(oh love)
i will take courage. you know that i am bit shy for this.
but the chance only comes around once in a life time, and this is the time for me.
i will start here baby, listen to me.
let me be the one
let me be the one, let me be your man, i want to be the one (let me be the one)
let me be the one, i am always thinking about you, everyday (oh love)
let me be the one, i promise, that i will live for you (let me be the one)
let me be the one, i will always love you, forever (oh love) *
vain thoughts become wind, and tears form an ocean.
even a man like me who is not perfect, i feel so special by seeing you.
so love love, let me love you baby.
and give love, it’s a miracle. and let me, please accept my love.
cuz i wanna be with you girl
only one thing makes me shine in this world and
you’re the one in the million
where i can breathe among many stars.
my happiness, sadness, smiles and tears are all for you.
there’s nothing that i am afraid of when i am with you.
let me be the one, i exist because of you,
let me be the one for all your answers, say it’s me
let me be the one, one in the million, let me be the one who cares.
let me be the one, i will be unchanged, even in my afterlife.
baby it’s you
let me be the one, let me be your man, i want to be the one (let me be the one)
let me be the one, i am always thinking about you, everyday (say it’s me)
let me be the one, i promise, that i will live for you (let me be the one)
let me be the one, i will always love you, (would you let me be) forever (oh let me be)
let me be the one
bikin nangis, iya... banget....
bikin merinding. kangen seunghyun.pengen nangis.
tiap kali mau buka blogger, tiap ngetik "b", pasti yang duluan muncul alamat blognya dia.
akhirnya, dia ngepost blog juga :')
kangen sekangen kangennya.
kayanya gue bener-bener suka sama dia. bisa gawat kalo gini.

いよいよZEPP TOUR が あります!!
でも やっばり ぎんちょしましだ。。
みなさんは どですか???
こんさーとは 。。ひさしぶりですね。。ひひひひひひひ
ぼくたちは。。いま れんしゅしています。
そして。。。あしたの こんさーとには。。
speacial guest が きます!!!
たくさん たのしみしてください。。。
がっこいいいいいいいいい です。。!!
iyo,iyo "zipp tour" ga arimasu!!
kalo pas baca sih, kayanya dia baik baik saja dan sedang menjalani hubungan yang baik sama hongki. soalnya beberapa hari gue lalu gue mimpi si seunghyun sama hongki berantem. mimpi gak penting dan gue yakin itu gak mungkin terjadi.
sedikit lega.
engga!! sangat legaaaaa~~~~~~!!
another pict

i want nobody nobody but you
i want nobody nobody but you
ya ampun nahan ketawa itu nyebelin ya?????
ih emon selingkuh hahaha nih gw tulis buat ss501 (lagi euforia sedih yang telat banget hahaha mumpung di rumah XP)
BalasHapusBuat ss501 (lagi) iya maap saya ga jelas huhu
"I still wanna be next to you
Issho ni yatte kitta no wa shinritsu
nothing can ever compare to you
It was you (always you) and it still you"
SMAP - Still U
huhu saya sedih, kelihatannya saya harus cari anak FKH buat cari obat penenangnya sapi huhuhua. saya TS yang mau UTS bantu saya hiks~ mon gantiin gw UTS~~~ kalo ga mau nanti gw kasih senghyun! awas aja kau! huahua
no, no..itu sahabat saya.ahahaha *apasih*
BalasHapuspenenang sapi, war???? O.o
" kalo ga mau nanti gw kasih senghyun! awas aja kau! "
yaudah deh gamau biar dikasih seunghyun. ahahahaah xD