
Minggu, 11 April 2010

nyanyi lagunya tasya yuu

judulnya sedikit bego. tapi beneran!!! pengen banget gue nyanyi tuh lagu!
hahahaha xD

akhirnyaaaaaa.....gue cuma tinggal melangkahkan kaki gue di satu tugas yaitu tugas sejarah, dan selesailah sudah penderitaan beberapa bulan terakhir! mungkin gue bakal mulai aktif ngepost di codeazzurindo, nih. dari kemaren gue ditagihin melulu -__-. iya sih, author di blog itu yang ikut UN cuma gue. di sky island juga. alhasil, diantara para moderator, guelah satu-satunya yang jumlah postnya kurang dari 200. yang laen? ada yang 1500 malah. padahal sky island aja baru dua bulan. ckckck spammer sejati.

oke, tadi gue ikut tes UI . dan paket pertama yang dikasih sama pak pengawas adalah, kemampuan IPA. dan gue buka, beuh! mendingan tes UGM kemana-mana, deh.. matematikanya itu, hampir ga gue isi semuanya. untungnya gue dapet ilham sampe beberapa soal dengan susah payah gue temukan jawabannya. soal minus, belakangan! yang penting gue udah nyari, dan hasilnya ketemu. walaupun cuma 4 T________T

lembar jawaban IPA gue sangat amat dan benar-benar berbading terbalik dengan kemampuan dasar. kalo di matematika IPA yang gue kerjain 4, kalo di matematika dasar yang ga gue kerjain 4 (mudah-mudahan bener semua.amin!). kalo di totalin dasarnya, yah..80% lah.. tapi kalo di total semuanya. GAUSAH TANYA GUE! :'(

humm, setelah liat-liat blog gue, kayanya gue bakal nerusin fanficnya. sekarang gue lagi bikin fanfic ft island. tapi dari kemaren mentok terus, ga ada ide.

oke, hari ini, gue bakal ngepost lagu single NEWS yang terbaru


さくらのような 君でした
春のような 恋でした
いつまでも 続いてゆくと

風が吹いて 散るように
はらはらと 散るように
あの風が 連れ去ってゆく
舞って 舞って 僕のさくら (僕のさくら)

突然の出会い 教室で二人
でも僕にとっては ぜんぶ忘れない
散りゆくから 綺麗なんだってさ

さくらのような 君でした
春のような 恋でした
いつまでも 続いてゆくと

風が吹いて 散るように
はらはらと 散るように
あの風が 連れ去ってゆく
舞って 舞って
僕のさくら (僕のさくら)

言葉にならない キミの「さよなら」に
でも僕の前に もうキミは見えない
抜け殻さえ 粉々に
儚いから 綺麗なんだってさ

さくらのような 君でした
春のような 恋でした
いつまでも 続いてゆくと

風が吹いて 散るように
はらはらと 散るように
あの風が 連れ去ってゆく
舞って 舞って 僕のさくら

さくらのような 君でした
春のような 恋でした
いつまでも 続いてゆくと

風が吹いて 散るように
はらはらと 散るように
あの風が 連れ去ってゆく
舞って 舞って
僕のさくら (僕のさくら)

ラ ラ ラブ サクラ...

Cherry blossom
You were like a cherry blossom, our romance was like spring
I had felt like it would go on forever
The wind blew to make it flutter down, to make my heart go pit-a-pat
That breeze takes it away
Flutter, flutter my cherry blossom (my cherry blossom)
Cherry blossom

It was a sudden encounter with the two of us in the classroom
We just said such random lines of dialog
But for me, I will never forget any of it
I will remember it my whole life
It's beautiful because it can fall like a petal
I didn't know that so I guess there was nothing I could do

You were like a cherry blossom, our romance was like spring
I had felt like it would go on forever
The wind blew to make it flutter down, to make my heart go pit-a-pat
That breeze takes it away
Flutter, flutter my cherry blossom (my cherry blossom)
Cherry blossom

I couldn't find words to respond to your "goodbye"
It's still something I can't accept
But I can't see you in front of me any longer
Even the empty shell of me has been smashed to pieces
“It's beautiful because it is short-lived”
I don't want to hear things like that since now everything seems gray

You were like a cherry blossom, our romance was like spring
I had felt like it would go on forever
The wind blew to make it flutter down, to make my heart go pit-a-pat
That breeze takes it away
Flutter, flutter my cherry blossom (my cherry blossom)
Cherry blossom

You were like a cherry blossom, our romance was like spring
I had felt like it would go on forever
The wind blew to make it flutter down, to make my heart go pit-a-pat
That breeze takes it away
Flutter, flutter my cherry blossom (my cherry blossom)

La la love, cherry blossom La la love, cherry blossom

latihan belajar bahasa jepang yaaaa..jadi ga gue kasih deh romaji-nya...
*menyiksa diri sendiri*
kkkkk ^_^

mudah-mudahan gue jadi mahasiswi Universitas Indonesia
amin :)

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